A few days before Premier Conte announced phase 2, Iconsulting asked me for a point of view on how MarTech could be an additional weapon against this emergency. Below is the complete translation of the interview. – – – During the COVID-19 emergency, marketing and communication have cemented an important role in the global transformation […]
Vicinoesicuro, the non-profit map against Coronavirus
Vicinoesicuro is a non–profit project created to combat the Coronavirus outbreak and was launched a few hours after the announcement of the lockdown by Prime Minister Conte on March 9, 2020. Vicinoesicuro was developed together with Alfredo Colella, Cristiano Ferrari, Francesco del Bosco and Federico Capucci. The project, completely free of charge, offers a navigable […]
The 4 fundamental ingredients in a Marketing Automation project
In my first blog post in Digital Update, I talked about how strategic the emerging figure of the Marketing Technologist was. What are, however, the fundamental ingredients to best approach a marketing automation project? Technology According to this infographic by ChiefMartec.com, in 2001 there were about 150 marketing tools, in 2016 they were just under […]